I'll be taking a photo for each day of the year and posting it here. I'll be looking to shoot daily life, big events, little events, odds and ends, ones I love, favorite things, and beauty in the ordinary. So if you see me pointing my camera at you, smile! :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 350

I know it just looks like a DIY picture but it's really more than that.
1.) Those little sewing hands belong to a 7 year old. We had a sewing date tonight. I really thought I'd sew and she'd stand by and hold the fabric and trim the threads once in awhile. Actually, she pretty much sewed by herself and I felt like I was getting in her way. She said, "Heidi, we should really do this more often."
2.) That bracelet over that big hand is from a pretty special girl. She randomly came in to eat lunch with me one day and to tell me her story. At that point, she sort of just implanted herself into a corner of my heart so when she gave me this bracelet (that she made special for me) and a hug today it really made my job seem worth it.

My heart is full.

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