I'll be taking a photo for each day of the year and posting it here. I'll be looking to shoot daily life, big events, little events, odds and ends, ones I love, favorite things, and beauty in the ordinary. So if you see me pointing my camera at you, smile! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 183

Yikes. I searched all five of my photo taking sources and I didn't take a single 'non-work' photo from the day. There goes my week of no photography tags. Will be starting again tomorrow on it! :) I guess this cute little guy is way better than a picture of my laundry and luggage. Which is about what this day consisted of. Remember that suitcase I left out one week? I've been living out of it since about May. It's really handy when those road trips come along so quickly- I'm already halfway packed. :) This EARLY morning (I didn't know summers had 7:00 am!) photo shoot was a great way to start the Holiday weekend!

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